Week 7 – LCD Bench Test (week 1)

Posted: March 14, 2014 in Uncategorized

This was one of the more simple weeks, because the LCD board had been given to us we knew there was no problems in the design of the board and the only problems we could run into is if I place a component in the wrong place, which did happen… 😦

I knew I was going to be using the multimeter as a continuity tester in a few weeks so I played around with it a bit on the LCD board just to get the feel for it, and knowing where had to be tested when looking at the PCB layout on the computer too. 

There was a few tests that we had to conduct but it was done easily enough. I had to do a continuity test to ensure that theres no fault in the track between two components, allowing current to flow down and complete the circuit. The power test is to ensure that im getting the correct voltages in the correct places, like IC sockets etc, although there was none on this board.

I did run into one problem, I put a 10k resistor in before the LED which caused it to light up, but very very low amount of light was coming from it, although you could just about see it which was good. I read the resistor backwards because these were 5 band resistors which provide greater accuracy whereas im used to using 3 band resistors.

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